What I have learned so far, raising a bunch of boys: by Gesare Chife @gechife
– If toddlers refuse to eat, leave them alone. When they are hungry enough they will eat.
– There many things in life a warm hug, loving pep talk and good cup of tea will cure.
– Teenagers are always hungry – always
– Smelly socks, filthy clothes and untidy rooms mean a house full of healthy, active kids.
– Teach them to say please and thank you when they are very young.
– Thank you notes when you receive a gift or someones time are a must. It teaches an expression of gratitude
– Don’t compare kids ability and weaknesses. They all have their strengths.
– Be kind, the world is so harsh, home should be a place of comfort, unconditional love and acceptance.
– Laugh at all the stupid stuff.
– Spend time with the kids, it all goes too fast
– Its okay to cater to a fussy eater
– Try to teach them some life skills – sewing a button, cooking, ironing, changing a tire. You never know when they will need it.
– Imagine a world without you, teach them what they need to know to survive it.
– Surround them with books.
– Teach them to love God, to pray, to call on him when the feel lost,stressed, or when they need to be joyful.
– Plant a tree with them
– Pet a goat, or a chicken, or a dog, or a cat.
– Teach them to protect the planet
– Have traditions, celebrate them
– Fuss over birthdays
– Teach them its ok to fail, but learn from it
– Teach them tolerance, understanding, respect of others differences
– Tell them they can talk to you about their problems
– Finally enjoy the process, and continue to learn every day